3.9 Arrays
An array is a data structure that defines an indexed collection with a fixed number of data elements that all have the same type. A position in the array is indicated by a non-negative integer value called the index. An element at a given position in the array is accessed using the index. The size of an array is fixed and cannot be changed after the array has been created.
In Java, arrays are objects. Arrays can be of primitive data types or reference types. In the former case, all elements in the array are of a specific primitive data type. In the latter case, all elements are references of a specific reference type. References in the array can then denote objects of this reference type or its subtypes. Each array object has a public final field called length, which specifies the array size (i.e., the number of elements the array can accommodate). The first element is always at index 0 and the last element at index n – 1, where n is the value of the length field in the array.
Simple arrays are one-dimensional arrays—that is, a simple list of values. Since arrays can store reference values, the objects referenced can also be array objects. Thus a multidimensional arrays is implemented as an array of arrays (p. 124).
Passing array references as parameters is discussed in §3.10, p. 127. Type conversions for array references on assignment and on method invocation are discussed in §5.9, p. 261, and §5.10, p. 265, respectively.
Declaring Array Variables
A one-dimensional array variable declaration has either of the following syntaxes:
element_type array_name
where element_type can be a primitive data type or a reference type. The array variable array_name has the type element_type[]. Note that the array size is not specified. As a consequence, the array variable array_name can be assigned the reference value of an array of any length, as long as its elements have element_type.
It is important to understand that the declaration does not actually create an array. Instead, it simply declares a reference that can refer to an array object. The [] notation can also be specified after a variable name to declare it as an array variable, but then it applies to just that variable.
int anIntArray[], oneInteger;
Pizza[] mediumPizzas, largePizzas;
These two declarations declare anIntArray and mediumPizzas to be reference variables that can refer to arrays of int values and arrays of Pizza objects, respectively. The variable largePizzas can denote an array of Pizza objects, but the variable oneInteger cannot denote an array of int values—it is a simple variable of the type int.
An array variable that is declared as a field in a class, but is not explicitly initialized to any array, will be initialized to the default reference value null. This default initialization does not apply to local reference variables, and therefore, does not apply to local array variables either. This behavior should not be confused with initialization of the elements of an array during array construction.